As one of, if not the biggest technological conference and poster display venue in the world, the Neuroscience meeting has every incentive to be at the forefront of developing new ways to provide posters. Previously, I’d noted that they had plans to permit authors to show posters on a screen. Stavros Hadjisolomou stocks his experience with powerful posters at the most recent Neuroscience meeting in San Diego.

The Society for Neuroscience asked presenters to upload their presentations in Powerpoint or PDF documents only to a particular website. Poster themes: They offered 3 possible themes, I thought we would focus on a previous poster I needed. Upload poster: Poster file. Upload dynamic poster assets: mass media to go with the poster. Although they provided extended details on font sizes for headings and content, there were no instructions on poster dimensions. This was a little of a problem since my initial draft was organized on the 48 inch by 36-inch slides, which appeared really bad in “presentation mode” once published.

When seen in a presentation setting, the poster was extended sideways and compressed vertically to fit the display screen. This rendered the poster unreadable to state the least. I found from the offered themes that the measurements are 52 by 29 in .. In “presentation setting,” you will see the poster and talk about a gallery made up of the uploaded mass media files therefore the presenter could choose someone to play. Finished Once I uploaded 10 videos to be used for the poster. One important things here: the website allowed for a lot of different media document types which made my life easier.

Also, each file is to 900 megabytes up, a pretty reasonable size. Having said this, some files didn’t stream well with certain web browsers. I had to check those that worked best (Firefox and Chrome). On Weekend and generally it was a great experience My demonstration was. The poster was about squid behavior (startle escape response – startle chromatophore changes).

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Having videos to show to visitors made my life easier and, from what I’ve heard from people, more enjoyable to them. When it comes to animal behavior, having videos to showcase your points allows for better communication. People visited the poster in bursts. The display screen did not match the laptop’s quality. Although the presentation appeared great on the laptop, the poster was slightly compressed on the display which made it unreadable. AFTER I inquired with a technician, I used to be told that all dynamic posters had the same problem and it was to be fixed later.

Most of the visitors commented on this issue. Having a printed poster is one less headache definitely, especially since you found out at the last minute. The videos could not be streamed online efficiently. Since my videos were more than 500 megabytes, they enough didn’t stream fast, though I was given access to a private wireless accounts even. I brought three flash drives beside me (just in case!) with the poster and video files and decided to play videos locally while exhibiting the poster in display mode.

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